100 Years Evolution of the Directorate of Public Health and Preventive Medicine in Tamil Nadu

100th Aniversary DPH Icon
DPH implements state-specific and national health programs, including vital statistics registration, crucial for public health administration. Maternal and Child Hygiene is integral to public health, with a focus on improving screening, follow-up, and control rates. CureSelect Healthcare collaborates as the technical partner with DPH to reduce Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) and Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) by tracking high-risk mothers and providing timely interventions. In December 2022, DPH celebrated a century of service. CureSelect Healthcare led by Dr.Srinath Yeshwanth was invited as a Digital Healthcare partner and allotted a stall to showcase products to dignitaries and guests. We also demonstrated drone use with ambulances for communication, internet connectivity, and supply delivery to disaster zones and remote areas.. Get the latest on events, adoptions, breeding, and more around you.